The Great Reveal!

The Great Reveal!


Finally! The nerve, desire and encouragement to "get out there" and let the wider world see my photos, creative ideas and style! Thanks most definitely goes to others (one other in particular!) in my life who encouraged me to strike out and try this grand experiment. I have always designed and printed my photos on objects for family and friends but never took it that next step. Well here it is... the next step!! 

Everything has one or more of my photos in it. They may be cropped, edited and formatted for the particular object but they have my stamp on them. So I guess while the credit for getting me to step out into the wild world like this and for any resulting success goes to others in my life... any shortcomings in the photography or products rest squarely on my shoulders. 

I really hope you spend time looking at the offerings. Feel free to send suggestions of what you would like to see in both the photography and the products they are printed on. I will see what I can do to accommodate your ideas. Check back often since I am always getting ideas, taking new photos (reviewing my existing terabytes of pics) and combining them into something new and unique. 

Get out there and explore our world!!

It has so much to show you!!


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